Finally i am back again after many days , had too many assignments and presentation to cope up with so couldn post anything till today. Mean while my very good freind Buss Buss as i call her is getting married,which has left me in a very big danger.
Buss buss nd I met each other in 10th std, nd tat was the only year tat we studied together and became wat others call best freinds nd we call best enemies. Well we call our self best enemies coz may be the amount of fights that happens between us nd the intensity of those fights can only be between 2 worst enemies. We literally kick each other and behave like the hooligans or barbarians wat ever u wanna call us.....
But ofcourse no outsider was allowed to interfere in the fight, and after the big fight we were served with the best meal or brunch by her mom and then the full day chatting used to start.........oh im gonna miss all these once she gets married nd goes of......cha y should gals always go away wen they get married............
well an othe r debatable topic...........ll think and then post something on it. For now tats it........